On September 22nd 2018, the RSCDS Paris Branch hosts a Highland dance workshop and a cèilidh with live music.

Highland workshop

Highland dances and Ladies’ Steps are solo dances that require technique and often stamina. Everyone is welcome to have a try!

Teacher: Mathias


Join us for an evening of dances, to the music of the Paris Band. Cèilidh dances are fun dances, often danced during social gatherings in Scotland, that everybody can enjoy. Dancers of all levels are welcome, including beginners.

Some Scottish country dances will also be danced during the evening so that you can discover Scottish Country Dancing and maybe join our Monday class.

Warning: You must have appropriate dance shoes or socks as we will dance in a gym.

Musicians: Paris Band
MCs: Corentin, Mathias & Violaine


Payment will take place on-site at the front desk for both events.

The Highland workshop and cèilidh are independent.


Single rate for the cèilidh: 10€

For the Highland workshop: 10€ for RSCDS Paris Branch members, 15€ for non-members

Time and Venue

Dance workshop: 1pm – 4pm, Studio Noces, Micadanses, 20 rue Geoffroy l’Asnier, Paris 4ème.

Cèilidh: 7:30pm – 10:30pm, Église Américaine, 65 quai d’Orsay, Paris 7ème. Welcoming starts at 7pm.

Highland workshop and Cèilidh with live music – 22nd September 2018
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